
The system of Corporate Governance adopted by Emma Villas S.p.A., understood as the set of principles, rules and procedures inspired by the best standards of transparency and fairness in the management of the company, is oriented towards the creation of value for the Shareholders.

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors, appointed by the Shareholders' Meeting of 13 July 2023, will remain in office for three financial years, until the Shareholders' Meeting to be convented for the approval of the financial statements as of 31 December 2025.

Giammarco Bisogno

President and CEO

Descrizione ENG

Giovanni Tordi

Board Member

Descrizione ENG

Monia Lupi

Board Member

Descrizione ENG

Raffaele Romanucci

Board Member

Descrizione ENG

Duccio Galletti

Indipendent Board Member

Descrizione ENG

Board of Auditors

The Board of Auditors, appointed by the Shareholders' Meeting of 13 July 2023, will remain in office for three financial years, until the Shareholders' Meeting to be convened for the approval of the financial statements as of 31 December 2025..

Andrea Bongi

Descrizione ENG

Claudio Tabarroni

Descrizione ENG

Roberto Neri

Descrizione ENG

Ciro Armigero

Descrizione ENG

Auditing firm

BDO Italia S.p.A., with registered office in Milan, Viale Abruzzi no. 94, was appointed to audit the financial statements for the financial years ending 31 December 2022, 31 December 2023 and 31 December 2024 and for the limited voluntary audit of the half-yearly report for each of the interim periods ending 30 June 2024.

Company Documents and Procedures

Emma Villas S.p.A. - Statute EGM
Internal Dealing Procedure
Procedura per la comunicazione delle informazioni privilegiate e la tenuta del registro insider
Related party procedure
Regolamento Assembleare

Internal dealing

December 20 2023 Internal Dealing
December 16 2023 Internal Dealing
December 07 2023 Internal Dealing
December 06 2023 Internal Dealing
December 04 2023 Internal Dealing
December 01 2023 Internal Dealing
November 29 2023 Internal Dealing
November 28 2023 Internal Dealing
November 23 2023 Internal Dealing
November 20 2023 Internal Dealing
November 15 2023 Internal Dealing
November 13 2023 Internal Dealing
November 09 2023 Internal Dealing
November 06 2023 Internal Dealing
November 03 2023 Internal Dealing
October 31 2023 Internal Dealing
October 31 2023 Internal Dealing
October 26 2023 Internal Dealing
October 23 2023 Internal Dealing
October 23 2023 Internal Dealing
No press.

Shareholders' meetings

April 14 2024 Moduli di Delega
April 14 2024 Relazione Illustrativa
April 12 2024 Avviso di convocazione di assemblea ordinaria e straordinaria degli azionisti di Emma Villas S.p.A.
April 12 2024 Estratto dell'avviso di convocazione di assemblea di Emma Villas S.p.A.
Nessun Comunicato.

Last Update: 2/22/2024